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A Safe Place to Explore
 Questions About Life and God

About the author – Marilyn Adamson

Marilyn Adamson started EveryStudent.com in 2000 and continues to direct it. The site is now in over 45 languages, visited by over 250 million people.

After years as an atheist, convinced God did not exist, Marilyn Adamson began to question the possibility of God. It was prompted by the intelligence and quality of life of a believing friend. Wondering if there were objective, solid reasons to believe in God’s existence, Marilyn began a search.

For 1.5 years, nearly daily, she questioned, researched, weighed the evidence. Marilyn eventually concluded that scientific and historical evidence made a very compelling, logical argument for God. (You can read her entire personal story here: Bio.)

In the years that followed, Marilyn found a relationship with God to be so valuable, her life became centered on helping others know God.

Not only did this prompt the creation of EveryStudent.com, but it also set the approach. The tagline is taken seriously: “a safe place to explore questions about life and God.”

Marilyn wanted it to be a site that serves visitors well. It would respect a person's privacy. They could visit the site once and not be chased around the Internet with ads later.

Also, Marilyn wanted EveryStudent.com to be free of commerce. It sells nothing and doesn't run or accept ads from others.

The purpose of the site has remained steady all these years – providing reasons to believe in God and how a person could begin that relationship with him.

It respects people’s freedom and integrity to come to their own conclusions. Articles and videos are well-researched, factually based, with source material footnoted. There are too many sites with light, click-bait content, trying to run up stats or revenue, serving themselves more than serving visitors.

EveryStudent.com seeks to give honest, reliable reasons to consider a relationship with God, without overstating the benefits. Life does not become problem-free. Wealth is not promised. Sickness and death still happen.

Yet, there is reason to consider the possibility of knowing God and his love for you. There is no other relationship we can experience that so completely satisfies the longings of the human heart and mind.

Please see a special series written by Marilyn Adamson, that explains how to arrive at faith in God.